Jeff K Has Good Times Hiking To Pick Mushrooms But Bad Times With Alcohol And Meth - Responsible Recovery

Jeff K Has Good Times Hiking To Pick Mushrooms But Bad Times With Alcohol And Meth

  Jeff K’s best times with drugs consisted of hiking trips where he and his friends went hunting for psychedelic mushrooms. He remembers it as a fun experience of connecting with friends, something that he didn’t to come down from. But then there’s the flip side. As Jeff progressed into alcoholism and meth addiction, he started to struggle in leading a decent life and cultivating fulfilling relationships. There were times he wanted to kill himself…

Robert – Finding Relief In Recovery - Responsible Recovery

Robert – Finding Relief In Recovery

  Robert is a 61-year-old man from Southern California and a current resident of the Gault Street House Sober Living Environment. The son of alcoholic parents, he picked up his first drink at only ten years old, malnourished, afraid, and seeking an escape. His drinking led to cocaine use and jail, and finally a desire to free himself from the misery of addiction. He has been struggling towards sobriety for a long time and has…

Michelle – Bad Parenting, Child Sexual Molestation, Alcoholic And Student Loan Debt – Honest And Positive Attitude - Responsible Recovery

Michelle – Bad Parenting, Child Sexual Molestation, Alcoholic And Student Loan Debt – Honest And Positive Attitude

Michelle is a single woman aged 29. Her parents did not provide a good environment for her and her siblings growing up. At age eleven, Michelle’s uncle sexually molested her and used guilt to keep her quiet. Michelle was in denial that she had a problem with alcohol for a long time, until she had literally spent all her money on alcohol and had no source of income to buy more alcohol. Her honesty in…

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